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I Refuse To Be Bitter
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I Refuse To Be Bitter

by Gregory Lowe

I Refuse To Be Bitter
by Gregory Lowe
$10. plus $3. shipping & handling (US domestic rates only, email us for international rates)

Front cover
A memoir of extraordinary depth.

"...This is a story about a man named Greg (Beetle) Lowe who is dealing with insurmountable odds while serving a life sentence. He has the courage to candidly share details of his personal experiences associated with his journey through life. He will reveal to you how he has emerged to become one of the strongest weightlifters in the world. You will embark on a journey reading what it was like for this man growing up in Philadelphia. This story will provide an inside look at the life and thought of a man with little tangible hope to cling to in the desolate environment where he resides. When you’re in this type of situation what sustains you is faith. He reveals how he acquired the fortitude to keep persevering in spite of the opposition he must overcome in his life. He will also show you how he will not be reduced to a spineless misfit or societal reject due to his situation.
If you were curious about what goes on in a prison environment this is your opportunity to read and learn more about the various aspects of prison life."
from the introduction to the book.

Back cover

"...Gregory Lowe, Beetle, prepares the path for truth telling in a voice reverberating with the tonal equivalent of a Beethoven symphony. Its power originates in the focus of attention on the youth of today. The lyrical sequence exists not in the meter or rhyme of the written word but in the direct appeal for sense and self-respect. It is a message of love and hope that is repeated and harmonized over and over again. Sober humility and self-criticism are the catalysts for true reconciliation. Dignifying the human condition it is combined with an undying commitment to apply intellect and imagination in the service of building a more perfect world. These are the treasures Beetle’s map points us toward..."
from the forward to the book by Stephen Paulmier

The book measures 5.5" x 8.25"and is 98 pages

Anvil Arts Press * 64 West Penn Street * Philadelphia * PA * 19144